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Monday, June 13, 2011

Mulitple Copies on the Newspaper

How to Coupon:  Get MULTIPLE Copies of the Newspaper

If you want to get the best value for your money, you really need multiple copies of the newspaper.  How many should you get?  That is up to you.  I have heard people say you should get 1 + the number of people in your family.  I do follow that rule bc that works for me.  I subscribed to 4 papers, and there are 3 people in my family.  4 papers works GREAT for me.  However, that rule doesn't work for all.  Some newspapers have restrictions on how many papers you can subscribe to, so you need to check.  PLUS most newspapers will give you a discount if you buy multiple papers.  Utah newspapers do, and you can see those prices here.  (Chattanooga area I am working on getting you a group rate...cross your fingers that happens soon!)
Why do you need multiple copies?  You want to be able to buy products when they go on sale, and NOT when you need them.  You want to be at the point that you have items when you need them already in your "stock pile".  Remember sales reoccur every 3-6 months, so you don't need to get a year's supply at one time.  I buy enough to last me a couple of months bc I know in a few months that same deal will come back around.  When a sale happens, I know I can get 4 of that deal bc I have 4 coupons.  If you only get 1 newspaper, that means you can only buy 1 sale item with a coupon.  You want to be able stock up on the sales items, so you save money and save trips to the grocery store.      


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